Custom software
At Ascot Technologies, we are able to customize software or design a totally new product to fit your specific needs. Contact us for a free consultation meeting.
Company technology expertise
Our experience includes the latest mobile application development for tablets and smart phones including: iPad®, iPhone®, Android™, Blackberry™, enterprise application development, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Electronic Commerce, SSL, HTML, CGI, Perl, Bar Code processing, signature capture, Hand-held devices, Palm® development, Linux, mSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB 2, TCP/IP and wireless communications.
Tablet applications
iPhone® applications
iPad® applications
Android™ applications
Blackberry™ applications
Mobile Web applications
Data Mining
What They Say
"HMMS helps us improve a patient's care plan through accurate, ongoing reporting and monitoring of patient readings. It enhances patient-physician communication through its transmission of physician- ordered medication changes directly back to the patient at home."
About Us
Our mission is to provide real-time wireless access to your data to give you an advantage in the market place.