Executive Team
The strengths of Ascot Technologies' founders are their deep understanding of technology and how it can be leveraged for strategic advantage and speed. From their experiences, they plan to transform that knowledge into usable and marketable technology solut ons.
Mary Ellen Randall
Founder, [President/CEO]
Mary Ellen Randall is founder and CEO of Ascot Technologies, Inc., a company which develops application software for cell phones, wireless devices and the web. Previously, Ms. Randall spent 22 years with IBM, including an international assignment in Montreal, Canada. Ms. Randall held a variety of management and technical positions in software development, hardware development, digital video, client/server services, system test, new product introduction, and routinely managed projects on an international scale.
Ms. Randall sits on the IEEE-USA Awards Board, serves as IEEE Region 3 Awards and Recognition Chair, IEEE Region 3 Women In Engineering Chair, and Board Chair for the Women’s Institute. Ms. Randall chaired the world-wide IEEE Women In Engineering Committee from 2005-2006, is a past IEEE Eastern NC Section Chair and past President of the Business & Professional Women of Raleigh.
She was named one of 25 top Women In Business in 2005 in the Research Triangle of North Carolina. Ms. Randall has a BA in Mathematics and an MS in Computer Science from Binghamton University.
Grayson Randall
Chief Technology Officer
Grayson Randall serves as Vice President & Chief Technology Officer. A former IBMer with 13 patents, he leads all the development and support efforts for Ascot Technologies, including new product development and deployment. He has over 25 years experience in systems design and architecture. At IBM, he worked on projects involved with manufacturing automation, digital video processing, set top box designs, digital cpu design, and network processors for high speed communications. He has experience as team leader for international scale projects.
Mr. Randall is known in the world of robotics for his leadership of the Insight Racing DARPA Grand Challenge team which boasts final and semi-final positions in the highly competitive autonomous robotic vehicle races.
Mr. Randall also has 5 years experience in the development of commercial and military flight simulators at Singer-Link. Grayson holds a BSAE from Parks College of St. Louis University.
He is Chairman of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Chapter for Eastern North Carolina. He previously mentored a FIRST high school robotics team which won first place in the 2004 international competition as well as numerous other awards.
Michael Randall
Founder, [Vice President]
Michael Randall holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University. Michael's has 6 years of software development including all phases of development and testing. Michael is founder in 2 start-up entrepreneurial endeavors. In addition to Ascot Technologies, Inc., he is a founding member of Insight Racing, an autonomous robotic vehicle racing team formed to compete in the DARPA Grand Challenge (www.insightracing.org). Michael received an entrepreneurial award from the IEEE for these ventures.
Company technology expertise includes cellular data application development, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Electronic Commerce, SSL, HTML, CGI, Perl, Bar Code processing, signature capture, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Client/Server, Hand-held devices, Palm(r) Conduit, Palm(r) OS, Palm(r) wireless, Linux, mSQL, MySQL, DB 2, TCP/IP and wireless communications.